Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Awesome Canteen at Sekeping Victoria (Georgetown, Penang)

Awesome Canteen at Sekeping Victoria, Georgetown Penang

再来Awesome Canteen是因为店里有一份选择完整多样的菜单。咖啡馆打着「旧时器时代饮食 Paleo Diet」的旗帜,想要透过这种饮食习惯改变人们日常的用餐概念,主张回归旧石器的蛋白质食材,避免加工食物,摄取大量新鲜蔬果,让生活变得更健康。空间保留槟城老房屋的特色,採纳了大量日然光,绿物垂直生长点缀,简约的玻璃和线条强调出陈旧的斑驳空间。

This is the second time I visit Awesome Canteen at Sekeping Victoria. The reason that I revisit is super simple, the huge variety of their menu. They strongly hold a [Paleo Diet] concept to change our perception about our daily eating habit. Their main point is to focus on the natural ingredient and prevent processed food. Through this concept, people will consume more vegetable and fresh fruits which will surely improve our heath. They do not do much on their dining space. They remain the old Penang house architecture and using mainly natural light and green plants to put some colour in it. The simplicity of the glass and lines accentuate the rustic feel or the building.

推荐牛肉堡(Paleo Beef Burger),内陷多汁嫩,足回味,香脆可口的面包也大大加分。吃了口感怪异却又协调的茄子牛肉料理(Paleo Eggplant Niku Stack with Beef),熟茄子后切半入蔬菜、牛肉和太阳蛋,淋上自制的汁和石榴。尝试了两种蛋糕,喜欢带些微酸口味的檬派(Key Lime Pie),美味又扎,午餐后来一片解解最适合。配着店家特檬百里香料(Jon Lemon),清感爽夏日,或是喝杯特黑咖啡和日式冷茶,度阳光灿烂的下午。

We strongly recommend you to try their Paleo Beef Burger. The beef patty is so juice and perfectly cook together with the crispy bread make it so tasty and unforgettable. Paleo Eggplant Niku Stack with Beef is a weird but tasty dish. The combination of eggplant, beef, egg, homemade sauce and pomegranate create a brand new taste that I never try before. It is perfectly weird that I can use to describe this dish. We also try 2 of the dessert and Key Lime Pie won the place in my heart. It is a sourish pie which is perfect to have after a heavy meal. Have it with a glass of Jon Lemon which is so refreshing and cooling. Other than that, you also can pair it with a cup of black coffee or Japanese tea. This is how I pass my afternoon when I have nothing to do.

Awesome Canteen at Sekeping Victoria, Georgetown Penang

地址 Address:164-A & 164-B, Lebuh Victoria, 10300 Georgetown, Malaysia
电话 Contact No+604-2613707
电邮 Email info@awesomecanteen.com
营业时间 Business Hours11.00am to 11.00pm (Monday - Friday)
10.00am to 10.00pm (Saturday - Sunday)

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