Monday, 30 December 2013

My BurgerLab (Seapark, Petaling Jaya)

Shi Gang with My Burger lab

大排场龙的高人气汉堡(My Burger Lab 傍晚五点开门营业,世刚与友人提早一刻钟守候门前。他向我描述,当铁闸门拉开,四面八方的人群蜂拥而上,原本冷清的门口堆满了人潮。前线的的人直奔柜台,而坐在车上等候的人也立即下车进入店内,似乎每个人事前已被委派不同的任务,就等那时辰一到的提示声响起:噼里啪啦噼里啪啦,你负责霸占位子、我负责点餐拿号码牌、他负责往杯子里填满汽水。

My Burger Lab… I believe that most of you had heard about it and even try it for thousands of times already. They start their business at 5pm, but SG and his friend had been waiting there since 4pm. SG says that, once their shutter door are open, people from all around the place start moving toward their shop. In just a second, their shop are full will people that can’t wait to eat their burger. You also can see a phenomena there when you visit their shop, that is everyone have to pre-plan mission once they enter their shop. Some will queue up at the counter to make order; some will grab a place and etc. It is quite fun to see it. 

Wednesday, 25 December 2013

亞龍炒粿条 Ah Leng Char Kaoy Teow (Jalan Dato Keramat)

亞龍炒粿条 Ah Leng Char Koay Teow


PENANG CHAR KOAY TEOW!!! Who don't like penang char koay teow??? For sure, all of you are not unfamiliar with this food. In Penang, having a plate of delicious char koay teow need a lot of patience. The coffee shop will be full of customers that waiting patiently for just and only the "char koay teow".While you are waiting, you can the smell of char koay teow in the air. This make your saliva secretion temporary out of control. For sure all of you experience this before if you having famous char koay teow at penang. And this is the magic of Penang Char Koay Teow.

Saturday, 21 December 2013

Penang Butterfly Farm 槟城蝴蝶公园

Visited on July 2013



Each butterfly is the ghost of a flower that came back to find themselves back – Soda Green (Group artist) / Eileen Chang (Chinese writer)

Thursday, 19 December 2013

De Yard Café (Jalan Masjid Kapitan Keling)

De Yard (Jalan Masjid Kapitan Keling)

这间咖啡馆的地点不易被发现,像建筑格局里「后院」的私人空间,高搭着凉棚,棚下有茶座儿,且在隐秘的时间隧道悄然开放,若不留心身边的风景,将与之擦肩而过。还记得第一次下午经过此处,咖啡馆还未开门营业。上周汶翰和朋友在 Gala House Restaurant & Café 吃顿生日晚餐后,决定在附近喝上一杯,一束淡光从咖啡馆发出,像磁铁般相吸,使你无法抗拒那股想要探索未知的力量。对,De Yard就是当晚的最佳选择。

Last week after my friend’s birthday celebration, we decided to go for second round. After have a discussion, we decided to pay a visit to De Yard Café. The reason we choose here is because we need some place to have a drinks and talks. So, De Yard Café is our choices.

Monday, 9 December 2013

Gala House Restaurant & Cafe (Muntri Street)

Gala House Restaurant & Cafe is located at Muntri Street where there have lots of café and restaurant around there. From the outlook of Gala house, you can see that it have some old Malay kampung house style. With the turquoise color, this makes it look some kind of modern in an old style building. Their building style is also very different with other building around there since most of it is old Chinese building.

Gala House Resraurant & Café 位于槟城古迹咖啡馆积聚的Muntri Street。餐馆外观带有旧式马来甘榜屋的风格,妙的是竹帘从上垂下,红灯笼挂在梁上,却带出华人村庄的人情味,青绿色的木制条纹设计为旧房子融入了现代感。在一条老南洋建筑的街道,Gala House Resraurant & Café就像一颗绿明珠,刚从深海里打捞起来,质朴素雅却特别引人注目。

Saturday, 7 December 2013

Easy Cheesecake Recipe (No Bake) 免烤芝士蛋糕食谱

Are you the one who love to make dessert but hate to bake it? Or are you have a party and you still do not know what dessert to prepare? This is a fuss-free, easy and quick cheesecake recipe that not requires any baking. You can just prepare the night before the party, pop it in the fridge and serve it when your guest is here. And also, who don’t love cheesecake.


Thursday, 5 December 2013

THE ALLEY Penang (5, Steward Lane)

Visited on 3 December 2013

冒着飘洒的细雨踹落地钻进巷子里的小店The Alley,推开一扇玻璃门,淡淡甜糕点味掺杂空气清新的味儿真是舒服。还来不及拨动整理水滴沾湿的头发,店员立即给了我们欢迎的微笑,这种感觉甚至窝心,就像三毛说的:我笑,便面如春花,定时能感动人的,任他是谁。


It was a rainy day, so we decided to pay a visit to The Alley to have a cup of hot coffee. Once we open their door, the smell of sweet pastries is welcoming you. Their staff is so friendly that they straight away welcome you with a big smile that gives you a gratifying feel. Then we pick a place of our liking and then approach to the counter to make order.

Monday, 2 December 2013

Christmas Gift Idea 2013 ·「给他」和「给他」的圣诞礼物

It's going to be Christmas again. Have you facing problem on what to buy as a gift for your love one or friend? 

TAKE A BREAK present to you this Christmas gift idea. We believe that with a meaningful gift, it will cherish you Christmas and give surprise to others. So, faster get your red socks fill with the gift that you choose and send it to your love one.


TAKE A BREAK预备了「给他」和「给他」的圣诞礼物建议,因为我们相信一份贴心创意的礼物,将会为这欢乐的节日增添无穷的浪漫与惊喜,快把你的礼物放入红色大袜子里寄出吧。

Sunday, 1 December 2013

BROWN POCKET (Gurney Paragon Mall)


This is a newly open café that located at Gurney Paragon so we decided to visit there last week. Once we reach, we find a comfortable seats and straight to the counter to order some dessert and drinks. Then we sit at hot places at chill. The environment there is very comfortable and cozy. Kim Yau start to enjoy the environment alone and me and Shi Gang start to tease each other at the other side while waiting for our dessert and drinks to arrive.