Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Photo Diary | 泰国华欣 Hua Hin, Thailand Day 1

Photo Dairy: Hua Hin, Thailand Day 1 

泰国华欣 Hua Hin, Thailand

这次的出游地点是华欣,泰国西海岸著名的度假胜地 。清新旅游风的盛行,让华欣出现了许多色彩缤纷的乐园设施。第一天,我们到访希腊风情的圣托里尼乐园,漫步在蓝窗白墙的房廊上,仿佛置身爱情海的小岛,一步步走入童话的浪漫世界。另一个好玩的景点是瑞士牧羊场,以欧式田园风为主题的休闲公园,我们拿牧草喂养可爱的绵羊,在美丽的雕塑和建筑前拍照留念,期间休息谈话,心情特别愉快。

Having an annual trip with friends become a tradition in our life. It's just like Christmas or new year where we not necessary but it become a must to celebrate. As we grow older, we spend less time with our friends. So, having a trip with our friends become a gathering that we can spend time together and update each other. 

This year, we decide to travel to Hua Hin, Thailand. Who doesn't love Thailand? Instead of choosing Bangkok, the very happening city that we can do a lot of shopping and party non stop we decide to go Hua Hin. We prefer a more relaxing follow the vibes trip since we are getting older and partying slowly become not our stuff anymore. We not really plan for this trip, we just make it free and easy. Follow our heart and go wherever we feel like going. 

Tuesday, 23 February 2016

Wine o'clock | 2PM Lounge & Gravity Rooftop Bar, G Hotel Kelawai Penang

Wine O'clock Promotion, G Hotel Kelawai Penang

第一次到访槟城G Hotel Kelawai,现当代的建筑风格相当迷人。大厅的2PM酒廊设计简约时尚,线条优雅,颜色明亮,透过双层自然采光,营造出光影阴暗流动的气息,将艺术的美感导入生活。空间去掉了繁杂的装置,留下色泽高雅的金属与玻璃,突出布料与木材的质感和纹理,人在这个空间休息,温暖舒适,自然的氛围真适合沉浸在醉人的葡萄酒香。

This is our first time visit to G Hotel Kelawai and we totally amazed by their contemporary architecture. 2PM lounge which located at ground floor have a simple yet stylish design. The glass wall allows natural light to shine into the lounge which put in so much live in it. The designer create a very relaxing yet comfortable environment by using metal and glass as decoration which brings out the texture of the fabric and wood. By sitting in this area, you will naturally blend into the mood and enjoy a glass of wine.

Wednesday, 3 February 2016

桥林重庆火锅馆 Chiow Lin Steamboat Restaurant (Abu Siti Lane, Georgetown Penang)

桥林重庆火锅馆 Penang Steamboat


Monday, 1 February 2016

SINCERITY 真诚 | Take a Look Back on January 2016


Every time you tear a leaf off a calendar,
you present a new place for new ideas and progress.

--- Charles Kettering

2015 has been fantastic, thanks to your support.
Happy New Year 2016 from Takebreak90s