Wednesday, 21 December 2016

Cambodia Travel Guide | 暹粒五天四夜旅行路线 Siem Reap 5 Days 4 Nights

Cambodia Travel Guide

暹粒五天四夜旅行路线  Siem Reap 5 Days 4 Nights

 第一天 DAY 1 

早上从槟城机场启程,和友人相约吉隆坡国际机场转机,中午二时抵达柬埔寨暹粒。登陆后先购买了电话网路配套,便找寻酒店载送的嘟嘟车踪影。前两天入住现当代风格的King Rock Boutique Hotel,稍作休息后,下楼便看到提前在网上Stopasia预约的嘟嘟车司机。我们前往吴哥窟柜台买票,接着去巴肯山(Phnom Bakheng)看日落,站在历史的高度感受夕阳余晖下曾经辉煌一时的过去。

酒吧街(Pub Street)也叫洋人街,是暹粒地区晚上最热闹,最多旅客聚集的地方,我们几乎每晚都来这里报道找乐子。酒吧街灯火光明,几条街内全是餐厅酒吧,和大大小小的纪念品档口。在这里用晚餐,逛街购物,走了一天身体酸痛双脚麻痹,就试试柬式按摩缓解疲惫,过后饮吴哥啤酒作乐,跳舞欢闹。

We left Penang early in the morning and meet up with our friend at KLIA. Once we gather together, we took another flight from Kuala Lumpur to Siem Reap, Cambodia. We arrived around 2 in the afternoon and we straight away went to purchase our mobile data plan. After that, we meet up with the tuk tuk driver that we already made reservation earlier at the airport. Our first 2 days stay was at a modern style King Rock Boutique Hotel. After having a short break in the hotel, we contact our tuk tuk driver which we had made our reservation thru Stopasia. We headed to Phnom Bakheng to look at the sun set.

PubStreet is Seam Reap most happening street and almost all the tourist that visit Seam Reap will visit here during night time. We also visit PubStreet every night when we are here to have some happening night life activities. PubStreet is easily recognized with its colourful lighting. The entire street is opened with restaurant and pub. There are also lots of souvenir shops there. You can settle your dinner and have some shopping too. There are also massage shop where you can have a good Khmer massage to pamper yourself after a long days of walking. After that, you can have a glass of cold beer at the pub and have a fun night. 

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 第二天 DAY 2 

第二天凌晨起身摸黑往吴哥窟,是为了避开人群,在小吴哥(Angkor Wat)找个舒适的位子看日出。小吴哥的日出宁静平和,却又震慑心灵,五彩朝霞染满整片天空,千年建筑的轮廓与荷花池的倒影,弥漫着苏醒的气息,旅人像是朝圣,用生命来等待天地甦醒的瞬间,为给旅途留下美好的回忆。在附近吃了早餐后,继续游览吴哥窟小圈的各个寺庙。

塔普伦寺里(Ta Prohm)的千年老树将庙紧紧缠绕盘踞,充满着千年不倒的生命力;塔高寺(Ta Keo)朴拙未经雕刻,石阶陡峭又狭窄,攀爬过了让人心生敬畏和敬意;巴杨寺(Bayon Angkor Thom)的金碧辉煌已成一片灰蒙蒙的石堆,多座高棉的微笑在阳光下让人安心,如朵朵莲花静静绽放。步行一天虽然疲累,但有幸能亲眼从雕刻中看到历史,领悟了美的精神洗礼,也是一件乐事。

We start really early on our second day to visit Angkor Wat. We must leave our hotel when the sky is still dark in order to grab a good position at Angkor Wat for the must watch sun rise scenery. Watching sunrise at Angkor Wat is one of the things that you need to do once in your life time. It is very impressing and breath taking when you watch the sun slowly shines thru the thousand years old monument. The reflecting of the sun and Angkor Wat in the lotus pond makes it even worth waking up so early for this moment. After that, we went to have our breakfast at nearby restaurant to full our stomach because we need lots of energy today. Then, we start our small circle tour and visit the temples there.

Today, we really have a lots of walking. Trust us, it’s really tired.  The thousand years old trees that grow around the Ta Prohm temple is so stunning. You can see how tough are those tree that they live for thousand years there and slowly merge themselves with the temple. Ta Keo is a temple that do not have any sculpture on it. The staircase is very steep and narrow which takes us quite sometimes to climb to the top. For those who were afraid of height, we don’t recommend you to climb this temple. You will surely regret for sure. Bayon temple is where the famous smiling stone faces located. You can imagine that Bayon temple is so resplendent during the old times. Although we are very tired of walking all day long to visit the temples in the small circle, for sure it is worth it. By watching all the beautiful sculpture on the temple and the details that they put in building the temple is just blown our mind.

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 第三天 DAY 3 

早上去古代的高棉村庄(Ancient Khmer Village)学习暹粒料理,我们先四处步行探访高棉村落,接着乘坐牛车欣赏田园风景,最后才回到厨房,大伙儿一块做一顿丰富的暹粒料理,懒洋洋地度过一个午后。料理学习之旅结束后,嘟嘟车载我们回去下榻另一间酒店FCC Angkor Boutique Hotel,在国王的官邸旁边,白色浪漫法式殖民建筑格调,优雅的度假风情。

越南水上村落(Floating Village)是暹粒的其中一个特色景点,大多数居民以捕鱼维生,为暹粒地区提供新鲜海产。当地著名的洞里萨湖(Tonle Sap)近年来逐渐商业化,已经失去了早期水上渔村的传统风貌,我们下午特别去了地理位置比较偏远的米吉列浮村(MeChrey),嘟嘟车带我们穿越柬埔寨的乡间,尘土飞扬,遇上旱季的田野一片荒凉。抵达后发现浮村的水位低,一片干土黄的湖面,依然可见零稀的房子浮在河道的两边,夕阳下的剪影原始漂亮,特别迷人。

Our plan for morning is attend a cooking class at a traditional Khmer village. After we arrived there, we walk around in the village and have a rough idea on how local stay in the village. Then we had a ride on an oxcart and enjoy the view along the ride. The oxcart ride is really interesting and totally our first time experiences this. After that, we proceed to the leaning some traditional Khmer cuisine. We prepare all the ingredient from scratch and cook a few dishes as our lunch. Then we take our tuk tuk ride to check in to our second hotel FCC Angkor.

Floating village is one of the famous tourist attractions in Siam Reap. Most of the villagers fishing for subsistence and is the source of seafood that supply of every part of Seam Reap. Due to over commercialize and overflow of tourists that visit Tonle Sap these recent years, we decided to skip this lake and visit MeChrey. MeChrey is quite far from the city and we took around 2 hours to reach there by tuk tuk. Along the way, we pass by some villages, farms and some rural area. This is totally a different view for us. Since the time that we visit is dry season, the water level at MeChrey is very low. This is also another fun ride we took in Cambodia and we totally never experience it. The floating village is really pretty and we can’t imagine if we stay there.

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 第四天 DAY 4 

这天算是很轻松慵懒的一天,感受了吴哥窟的震撼,满足了双眼和心灵,接着就该好好的让自己放松度度假。我们睡到自然醒,酒店把早餐送来房间,眯着惺忪的双眼聊天畅笑,生活很是悠哉。可以步行到当地的老市场(Psar Chaa)看看暹粒人的买卖,采购一些手工艺品,或是到好运广场(Lucky Mall)的柬埔寨自家牌子Bodia Nature选购天然香料制成的产品当手信。

暹粒市中心不大,能去的地方不多,吃了午餐后到附近的老法国区(Old French Quarter)闲逛,这区的建筑沿着暹粒的生命河,很多别墅设计很漂亮。下午天气曝热,旁晚的时候应该很适合散步与骑脚车,还可以沿街拍照呢。我们去邮政局寄明信片,建议在景区或酒吧街买明信片,因为邮局的款式有限也不惊喜。回酒店后就立马奔向泳池解暑,然后准备去亚洲五十大餐厅Cuisine Wat Damnak用晚餐。

We do not have much plan for our forth day here. We decided to make it easy and have some relaxing time in the hotel. Actually this is just an excuse for us to sleep more after our busy schedule for the last 2 days. After having our breakfast in our room, we heading to Psar Chaa which is a local market. This is a combination of dry and wet market where the locals will visit and buy their daily necessities. We also visit Lucky Mall to purchase some souvenir from the local brand Bodia Nature.

After having our lunch, we walk around at Old French Quarter. The houses along the river are very pretty and well preserved. You also can rent a bike and ride around this area. We purposely visit their post office to purchase some postcard. We suggest you to buy it from pub street because the variety is not much at the post office and the design is nothing special. Then we slowly walk back to our hotel and some of us have some chill at the swimming pool while others having an afternoon nap. We had our dinner at Asia Top 50 restaurant Cuisine Wat Damnak.

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 第五天 DAY 5 

呆在暹粒的最后一天,只想悠闲地感受酒店的法式风情,在餐厅的露天阳台吃好一顿早餐。 喜欢在旅途中的某个时段穿插不慌不忙的心情,即使没有计划也不会是虚度光阴。这一趟旅途独一无二,无论以什么方式记录下来,都会一直让我感到快乐。

The last day of our trip is just chill and relaxes in the hotel and has a good breakfast at the balcony of the restaurant. We enjoy the excitement and surprise that we experience during our trip. Sometimes, too much planning is like a restriction. Every journey is very unique and we really appreciate the time we spend together and share the joy.

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