Tuesday, 5 July 2016

Italian Restaurant | IL Bacaro, Campbell House Penang

IL Bacaro, Campbell House Penang

IL Bacaro Penang (Authentic Italian Restaurant)

部落队友丽莉生日,我们相约前往槟城Campbell House的意大利餐厅IL Bacaro用晚餐。从意式前菜小食开始,海鲜沙拉(Warm Seafood Salad)的食材丰富新鲜,适口开胃;香辣鲜虾(Spicy Prawns Diavola)的红色酱汁「Diavola」在意大利语有「恶魔」的意思,以辣椒与胡椒等多种香料调味,口味偏辣,搭配虾仁和蒜香烤面包,却非常浓郁可口。

接着进入主菜,蟹肉烩饭(Crab Meat Risotto) 味道浓郁多乳,加入高汤和芝士熬煮的意大利米粒(Arboria Rice)吸收了汤汁的精华,粒粒分明弹牙适口,蟹肉的鲜美,柠檬碎的清爽,升华了整体风味,多吃几口也不会感觉腻。脆皮黑披萨(Special INFERNO Black Pizza)有如其名,「火海地狱般」的外表和味道,相当重口味,腌制的橄榄的酸味最为明显,直叫人咬牙切齿,实在过瘾。

Every birthday celebration starts with a sumptuous meal. Don’t you agree?

In this special and memorable day, we decided to have a birthday dinner date with Lily at IL Bacaro Penang. Start with Italian appetizer, Warm Seafood Salad is quite unusual for us because we normally only have cold salad. Spicy Prawns Diavola really translates the meaning of the word “Diavola”. “Diavola” means devil in Italy. The sauce is spice, peppery and very fragrant. Together with fresh prawn and garlic bread, it is the perfect combination.

Our main course is Crab Meat Risotto which is very and flavorful. The Arboria rice is perfectly cooked and fully absorbs the broth and coated with creamy cheese. You can get pieces of crab meat in each bite. Chef added lemon peel into the risotto to make it fresh and non greasy. Special INFERNO black pizza is exactly like its name, a black color pizza. This pizza has a strong flavor. It is topped with olive which is sour in taste. It is not the usual pizza that you always had. 

IL Bacaro, Campbell House Penang

IL Bacaro, Campbell House Penang

IL Bacaro, Campbell House Penang

Warm Seafood Salad
(Mixed leaves & Potatoes Topped with Sauteed Octopus, Squid & Prawns)

IL Bacaro, Campbell House Penang

Spicy Prawns Diavola
(Sauteed with Garlic & Chili, Served with Crunchy Garlic Bread) 

IL Bacaro, Campbell House Penang

IL Bacaro, Campbell House Penang

IL Bacaro, Campbell House Penang

SPECIAL** Inferno Black Pizza
(Served with Spicy Salame, Olives, Chili & Buffalo Mozzarella)

IL Bacaro, Campbell House Penang

Risotto with Crab Meat & Lemon

IL Bacaro, Campbell House Penang

IL Bacaro, Campbell House Penang

IL Bacaro, Campbell House Penang

IL Bacaro, Campbell House Penang

IL Bacaro, Campbell House Penang

IL Bacaro, Campbell House Penang

Penang Custom Design Cake: Cake by R&S




Surprise of the night: Elegant custom design cake. We told the baker what we want through their Facebook. Overall a white color cake, peanut butter and chocolate sponge cake, pink and purple flower decoration in a half moon shape and a few macaroons on top. This is what we request. When they send the cake to my house, I was really shocked. It is very beautiful and elegant. The flower arrangement together with the gold foil and butterfly is so pretty. They really focus on every detail and nailed it.

The 7 to 8 layer sponge cake looks delicious when you cut it. In reality, it really tastes good too. The softness of the sponge cake, richness of the chocolate and also peanut butter really make it taste so delicious. The baker has very creative idea and also skillful technique. Their customer service is really good and friendly too. 

Cake by R&S Penang

Cake by R&S Penang

Cake by R&S Penang

Cake by R&S Penang

Cake by R&S Penang

IL Bacaro Penang (Authentic Italian Restaurant)

地址 Address:106 Campbell Street, 10100 Penang, Malaysia
电话 Contact No04-2618290
脸书 FacebookIL Bacaro Penang
电邮 Email bacaro@campbellhousepenang
网站 Website www.campbellhousepenang.com
营业时间 Business Hours8.00am to 11.00pm (Monday - Sunday)

Cake by R&S: Penang custom design cake and dessert table

电话 Contact No016-3298287
脸书 FacebookCake By R&S
网站 WebsiteCake By R&S