Friday, 1 December 2017

BE Weird 不可思议 | This is how we do... November 2017



Listening to Sam Smith, Burning

Wednesday, 1 November 2017

LIGHT Talks 你紧紧圈着我的梦 | This is how we do... October 2017

Dear October

任明信 〈所有可能的样子〉

Monday, 2 October 2017

ROWAN & PARSLEY food atelier, Johor Bahru

 ROWAN& PARSLEY food atelier ,心想家店怎么可以绿得那么清新,外都快被植物包了呢。离开了喧的市区,咖啡馆环境怡人静。在自然艺术和工业风格的融合下,室内空间宽敞且舒服清新,水泥吧台相当有巧思。


Thursday, 14 September 2017

Visit Singapore | 3 Days 2 Nights Photo Dairy 2017



Day 1: Singapore Airport – check in Park 22 Hotel Little India - Universal Studio Singapore - Fat Boys, The Burger Bar
Day 2: Brunch at NOSH Restaurant, Rochester Park - National Museum of Singapore - ArtScience Future World Museum - Gardens by the Bay (Flower Dome & Cloud Forest)
Day 3: Brunch at Sacha & Sons, Orchard Road - National Gallery Singapore – Singapore Airport

Singapore... a tropical country that have summer all year around. Clean streets, good safety, rich in culture is the basic perception that we have about Singapore. If you take your time explore this country and dig deep, you will find out another side of Singapore that you never seen before. We stay at Little India heritage area where it is full of culture and history. We have fun in universal studio during day time and enjoy the colourful light at the harbour during night time. We visit a couple of museum and art gallery during our visit to get some inspiration and learn something from it. It's already half a year from our visit but the memory still like it’s just happen yesterday. This is how we enjoy our life and celebrate our youth.

Friday, 1 September 2017

BETTER Views 光火 | This is how we do... August 2017

August: respected and impressive.





Tuesday, 1 August 2017

Saturday, 1 July 2017

AWAKE 唤醒 | This is how we do... June 2017

June, surprise me

Life is short and the older you get, the more you feel it.
 Indeed, the shorter it is.
 People lose their capacity to walk, run, travel, think, and experience life.
I realise how important it is to use the time I have. 

--- Viggo Mortensen

Thursday, 1 June 2017

Saturday, 13 May 2017

杨家东北湘菜馆 Yang Jia Northeastern Chinese Cuisine Penang




Monday, 1 May 2017

SMILE 微微一笑 | This is how we do... April 2017




Sunday, 16 April 2017

Modern Italian Cuisine | Markus Restaurant Penang

RESTAURANT MARKUS - Modern Italian Cuisine Penang

代意大利餐,主打新的意式料理,同保留传统经典的口味。来儿用餐的感舒适,简约高雅。入座后,服务员贴心地从厨房端上了佛卡夏面包(Focaccia Bread with Balsamic Olive Oil),烤后的面包吃起来脆口,特蘸着橄油醋的香气。前菜点了一道章料理(iI Polpo),厨把腌制好的章用低温长时间的烹,以保留食材的原味,摆盘配香脆的炖饭饼,用藤蔓上的鲜红番茄点相吸引,味道也很丰富。

蘑菇Zuppa Di Funghi Tartufata)用料扎,混合大啡菇、香菇和洋菇三种菇,加入百里香等香料熬煮,入口满满的蘑菇味溢出,还带有淡淡的酒香呢。主菜蟹肉意大利面(Linguine Al Granchio)用扁面条拌蟹肉,配上伏特加特的粉汁,蟹肉的美和汁的郁混在一入口,非常美味。帕火腿猪肉(Salti In Bocca Alla Romana)是当日最,用鼠尾草为软嫩的猪腰肉味,淋上厚的蘑菇,口味很是独特。


Markus is a modern Italian restaurant which famous with their innovative and creative Italian cuisine. Although they are selling modern Italian food, they still preserve the unforgettable classic taste of Italian food. Markus is a very elegant yet comfortable restaurant located in Penang and their staff is very friendly and helpful. First, they served Focaccia Bread with Balsamic Olive Oil which is freshly baked daily. The bread is crispy in the outside and fluffy in the inside. The combination of olive and balsamic vinegar is the bomb.

For appetizer, we had ordered il Polpo which is an octopus dish. Chef use lower temperature and longer time to slowly cook the marinated overnight grilled octopus in order to preserve the taste of it. It is served with some crispy risotto, tomato-on-vined and fresh vegetables. The flavor of this dish is very rich and taste delicious. Zuppa Di Funghi Tartufata is made from 3 different mushroom which is Fresh Portobello, Shitake and Button Mushroom. Chef also adds some thyme in it to bring out the taste. Having a spoonful of the soup is like a having a mouth full of different mushroom. At the end you also can taste some mild alcohol taste which makes it extra special.

Our main dish is Linguine Al Granchio which is made from linguine, crab meat and vodka pink sauce to elevate the taste. The freshness of crab meat makes the sauce taste very good and is definitely a must try.  Salti In Bocca Alla Romana is our favorite dish of the night. The pork loin is marinated with sage and is perfectly cooked. Then it is covered with thick mushroom sauce. For dessert, we had ordered tiramisu with Amaretto. Overall we had a very good experience in Markus. The only complaint is the portion of food is really small, so you guys can order more and try different dishes. They are also kind enough to serve us a piece of cake as complimentary since we are celebrating our friend’s birthday that night. Thank you.

Saturday, 4 March 2017

吴哥窟 Angkor Cambodia - UNESCO World Heritage Centre

Angkor Wat, Siem Reap Cambodia

Read more: Cambodia Travel Guide, Siem Reap 4 Days 4 Nights

小吴哥(Angkor Wat)的日出宁静平和,震慑心灵,五彩朝霞和千年建筑的轮廓与荷花池的倒影,弥漫着苏醒的气息,旅人像是朝圣,用生命来等待天地甦醒的瞬间,为给旅途留下美好的回忆。在巴肯山(Phnom Bakheng)看日落,站在历史的高度感受夕阳余晖下曾经辉煌一时的过去。日升日落,在这文明古国显得特别庄严颓残,像我们经历生活的起落高低后那么平静。

塔普伦寺里(Ta Prohm)的千年老树将庙紧紧缠绕盘踞,充满着千年不倒的生命力;塔高寺(Ta Keo)朴拙未经雕刻,石阶陡峭又狭窄,攀爬过了让人心生敬畏和敬意;巴杨寺(Bayon Angkor Thom)的金碧辉煌已成一片灰蒙蒙的石堆,多座高棉的微笑在阳光下让人安心,如朵朵莲花静静绽放。最后分享蒋勳《吴哥之美》的一句话,想到这段旅程就从心底记起美——因为微笑,文明不会消失。

Watching sunrise at Angkor Wat is one of the things that you need to do once in your life time. It is very impressing and breath taking when you watch the sun slowly shines thru the thousand years old monument. The reflecting of the sun and Angkor Wat in the lotus pond makes it even worth waking up so early for this moment. The thousand years old trees that grow around the Ta ProHm temple is so stunning. You can see how tough are those tree that they live for thousand years there and slowly merge themselves with the temple. 

Ta Keo is a temple that do not have any sculpture on it. The staircase is very steep and narrow which takes us quite sometimes to climb to the top. Bayon temple is where the famous smiling stone faces located. You can imagine that Bayon temple is so resplendent during the old times. Although we are very tired of walking all day long to visit the temples in the small circle, for sure it is worth it. By watching all the beautiful sculpture on the temple and the details that they put in building the temple is just blown our mind.

Wednesday, 1 March 2017

GOOD Weather 好天气 | This is how we do... February 2017

Hello February Spring Day

I believe in process. I believe in four seasons.
I believe that winter's tough, but spring's coming.
I believe that there's a growing season.
And I think that you realize that in life, you grow. You get better.

--- Steve Southerland

Wednesday, 15 February 2017

Little Journeyman Café Penang

Little Journeyman Café Penang


瑞克雷乳酪配脆皮马铃 Raclette on Crispy Potatoes 是招牌菜,厨把瑞克雷烤后,现场刮在烘烘的马铃薯上。乳酪的口感密,厚厚的奶香着咸咸的味道,沾着马铃薯入口,味相当独特。吞拿和咸意大利面 Salted Fish & Tuna Linguine Pasta 的食材配搭有趣,不同次的咸香和美会在你口里化开,推荐咸口味的人。帕尼尼猪肉三明治 Pulled Pork Panini 的手撕猪肉香料郁,也很嫩入味,配上意式面包的松脆,吃起来确令人足。

Little journeyman is located at heritage area which needed some effort to search for it. The interior design is simple yet elegant. Everything inside is so harmony and give you a relaxing vibes. Due to our hectic working schedule, we seldom meet each other for a while. Since it is Chinese New Year, we grab on this opportunity to meet up. Every meet up is so precious for us.  This is the time where we update what’s going on in our life and mostly we will be joking around and have FUN!!!

Raclette on Crispy Potatoes is their signature dishes which makes Little Journeyman so popular. The melted raclette cheese is served on your table where the chef will scrap the cheese onto the potato. The cheese taste a little salty and milky. The combination of cheese and baked potato is simply genius. Salted Fish & Tuna Linguine Pasta is another interesting dish. They use salted fish as their main ingredient and make the pasta taste so good. This is recommended to people who like salty food a lot. Pulled Pork Panini taste good too. The pork is so soft and together with the sauce that full with spices makes it taste even better. We really satisfied with our lunch that day and it’s a good start for our day.

Wednesday, 1 February 2017

LIVING the Dream 理想生活 | This is how we do... January 2017

2017, Better things are coming


 ——三毛 《雨季不再来》