years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than
by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe
harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark
the journey begin. It’s time to put down everything and pursue on a trip that
you dream about. Travel is to force you to trust strangers and to lose sight of
all that familiar comfort of home and friends. Instead of thinking how the trip
may be, made your first step and see them as they are. A journey is like
marriage. The certain way to be wrong is to think you control it. That’s the
reason why we keep on tell ourselves that a good traveler has no fixed plans
and is not intent on arriving. So, is time to TAKE A BREAK and discover. Travel
as much as you can, as far as you can, as long as you can. Life not meant to be
fixed in a one place.
感谢主办单位地平线传媒公关My Amazing Malaysia给予我们机会,成为2015年槟城博客旅游竞赛十强代表,也感谢旅途中住宿餐馆景点等各个赞助商。一趟五天四夜的槟岛旅程我们玩得尽兴欢乐,尽管我们俩是地地道道的槟城人,对这座城市再熟悉不过。那就只好把它当做安抚一下想要出走的情绪,好好享受小资情调,像风一样自由散漫游走。
we would like to thank the My Horizon Media Sdn Bhd “My Amazing Malaysia” for
giving us the opportunity to become one of the top 10 blogger that represent
them. Also not to forget all the sponsors for accommodation and food which make
our trip complete success. Although we are authentic local or also known as
Penangite, we really enjoy the 5 days 4 night trip in Penang where we can
explore new places that we did not discover and also share with all of you the
places that we truly enjoy it. We take this opportunity as a short getaway
where we can learn more about our self while on the roads. If not now, when?
greatest charm of Penang is the blending of multi-cultural under one roof where
you can’t find it anywhere in the world. It had its own unique characteristic
and authenticity. All the classic architecture in the town of Penang tells you
the story of the multi-cultural derivation. The period of immigrant move from
NanYang and also the colonial period by British had greatly affected the
formation of this beautiful multi-cultural island. We would like to introduce
Penang to all of you in depth in the next few posts where you can understand
truly about Penang and together we can create unforgettable memories.
- 槟城圣吉尔斯温布利酒店 St Giles Wembley, Penang Premier Hotel
- 槟城相机博物馆The Camera Musuem Penang+ Coffee
- Japanese & International InspiredBuffet Dinner, St Giles Wembley Penang
- First Avenue Shopping Mall
Click to read: 圣吉尔斯温布利,槟城精品系列酒店 St GilesWembley, Penang Premier Hotel
Click to read: 槟城相机博物馆 The Camera Musuem Penang
Click to read: 槟城相机博物馆 The Camera Musuem Penang
Click to read: Japanese &International Inspired Buffet Dinner | St Giles Wembley, Penang Premier Hotel
- Breakfast. St Giles Wembley Penang
- Georgetown UNESCO Heritage walk-around with Penang HoHo
- The Chamber Restaurant
- 美因槟榔博物馆Made in Penang Interactive Museum
- 客家山寨+ 客家分寨 Balik Pulau Lodge +Dinner
Click to read: 圣吉尔斯温布利,槟城精品酒店 St.GilesWembley, Penang Premier Hotel
Click to read: PENANG HOHO | 槟城露天双层观光巴士Penang Hop-On Hop-Off
Click to read: The Chamber Restaurant (Georgetown, Penang)
Click to read: The Chamber Restaurant (Georgetown, Penang)
Click to read: 槟城美因槟榔博物馆 Made in Penang Interactive Museum
Click to read: 槟城美因槟榔博物馆 Made in Penang Interactive Museum
Click to read: 客家山寨 + 客家分寨 Balik Pulau Lodge
- 槟城鬼怪博物馆Ghost Museum, Georgetown Penang
- Via Pre, ItalianDeli and Restaurant Penang
- Batu Ferringhi + Teluk Bahang walk-around with Penang HoHo
- Gurney Plaza + Gurney Paragon
- 槟城长荣桂冠酒店Evergreen Laurel Hotel Penang
- Breakfast, Evergreen Laurel Hotel Penang
- ESCAPE Adventureplay Theme Park
- 槟城热带香料花园Penang Tropical Spice Garden
- 槟城香格里拉沙洋度假酒店Shangri-La's Rasa Sayang Resort & Spa
- Wooden Pub, Batu Ferringhi Penang
CLICK TO READ: ESCAPE 槟城户外逃生冒险主题乐园 Penang Adventureplay Theme Park
Click to read: 槟城热带香料花园 Penang Tropical Spice Garden
Click to read: 槟城香格里拉沙洋度假酒店 Shangri-La’s RasaSayang Resort & Spa
Click to read: 槟城香格里拉沙洋度假酒店 Shangri-La’s RasaSayang Resort & Spa
Wooden Pub (Batu Ferringhi, Penang)
Day 5
Click to read: 槟城香格里拉沙洋度假酒店 Shangri-La’s RasaSayang Resort & Spa
Click to read: Real Food Sonnentor (Straits Quay, Penang)
you arrive in Penang, we suggest you to have a visit to Pinaon Time Tunnel PenangHistory Museum where you can have a rough idea about this magical place. You
can learn about how Penang develops along with the time changes. After all, history is the collective memory
of a nation where it is closely related to the social development. Then, you can
really start to explore this amazing island, Penang. Here, we would like to
summarize the attraction that we recommended for this 5 days 4 night trip. Hope
you find it useful and make it as your reference when you visit Penang.
乔治市 Georgetown
世界文化遗产 UNESCO World Heritage
邱公司龙山堂 Khoo
槟榔律集市Chowrasta Market
小印度 Little India
比南利故居P.Ramlee House
瑟福屋Suffolk House
槟城植物园 Penang Botanical Garden
槟城侨生博物馆Pinang Peranakan Mansion
丹绒武雅 Tanjung Bungah
新关仔角 Gurney Drive
水上清真寺 Floating Mosque
玩具博物馆 Toy Museum
海峡岸Strait Quay
峇都丁宜 Batu
海滩酒店区 Luxurious Hotels and Resorts
直落巴巷 Teluk
槟城热带果园 Penang Tropical Fruit Farm
槟城国家公园 Penang National Park
阿依淡Air Itam
极乐寺 Kek Lok Si Temple
升旗山 Penang Hill
峇六拜 Bayan Lepas
槟城国际机场 Penang International Airport
槟城蛇庙 Penang Snake Temple
浮罗山背 Balik Pulau
威省 Seberang Perai
槟城飞禽公园 Penang Bird Park
About My Fascinating Penang 2015
"My Fascinating
Penang" is a bloggers’ event organized by "My Amazing Malaysia"
to promote Penang’s rich tourism resources and to enhance knowledge about the
culture and activities across the State. This
is a unique event in which 10 bloggers from Malaysia qualified to participate
in Penang’s adventure tourism programme and subsequently share their personal
experiences from the tour through their blogs to travel enthusiasts around the world.
Thank once again for generous sponsorship to
our blog team. It was unforgettable experience. Check out their website horizonpr.com.my/myfascinatingpenang